Click here to complete your 2024 crofting Annual Notice 

Tha Coimisean na Croitearachd a' riaghladh
agus ag adhartachadh mathas croitearachd ann an Alba
gus croitearachd a dhèanamh tèarainte san àm ri teachd.

Women on Boards

The Commission has published the first report under the gender balance requirement of the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018  a copy of all the relevant documents can be found below.

Following on from Commission, David Campbell's blog encouraging women to consider standing as Board members in the next crofting elections   Crofting Commission | Securing the future of crofting (     We have created a short survey that is designed to seek information on women’s thoughts about joining the Crofting Commission Board

We recognise women are often juggling a variety of responsibilities and this may make it more difficult to commit to sitting on a Board based in Inverness. So, ahead of the election period, we want to understand what some of those barriers are and see if we can make changes to help overcome them.   

 Feel free to distribute it to any women you know who may be interested in joining the Board in the future.

Please return the questionnaire to  

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