The Executive Team is responsible for dealing with matters that concern the Commission as a whole, including: its organisation; leadership; priorities; culture; governance; management; compliance with legal and other obligations; the management of the relationship with the Board and Committees; risk management; people, premises and use of financial resources.
Responsible for the overall operations and management of the Crofting Commission, including financial controls. Oversees the delivery of effective, consistent and transparent regulatory services. Also ensures that Ministers, the Commission's Convener and Commissioners receive accurate information and objective advice, and that the Commission executes its statutory duties and powers fully and effectively. Has a central role in building external relations, co-operation and communications with key stakeholders and the wider public.
Responsible for providing the Commission with legal advice, and deals with litigation involving the Commission.
Responsible for advice to the Chief Executive and Board on all policy matters, and oversees the work of the Policy, Development and Grazings team.
Responsible for the delivery of services to regulatory applicants, for continuous improvement in the Commission’s regulatory work, and for customer satisfaction.
The Commission’s Standards Officer, who also has responsibility for Governance, Finance and IT. Also leads on Staffing issues, Complaints, Freedom of Information requests and Data Protection/GDPR.
Overall responsibility for Digital and Information Services across the organisation, which includes cloud functionality and digital applications. Also has responsibility for Geospatial Information Services (GIS) team.
Responsibility for the overall management of the Regulatory Support Team, which includes Residency & Land Use Team.
Responsible for the Regulation Team, which handles casework applications within the Commission.
Leads the Finance Team and reports to the Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services or directly to the Audit & Finance Committee on all financial matters.
Responsible for ensuring that the Commission maintains robust, transparent, and auditable financial systems. Co-ordinates all of the Commission’s financial responsibilities in terms of the Scottish Public Finance Manual, and the Framework document that has been drawn up by the Scottish Government in consultation with the Commission.
Leads the Policy, Development and Grazings Team within the Commission.